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Sisters News: Sisters summer

Intro by The Heat / Sisters Hope at Ryslinge Højskole / Sisters Academy #7 – The Takeover, AFUK / A Letter to the Ministry of Culture / Sisters Academy Radio

Sisters Hope presenting at conference in Guldborgsund

Sisters Hope will present at a conference in Guldborgsund Municipality. The pivot of the conference will be the relation between formation and education, among these how art and culture can be more closely connected to education. See invitation for the conference here.

Sisters Hope presenting at Forum för Communityart & Fredspedagogik

We will present our work and perspectives on sensuous learning and facilitate a workshop at Forum för Communityart & Fredspedagogik in Northen Sweden, Sandviken.

Sisters Hope at Ryslinge Højskole

Sister Hope is extremely excited and proud to present: “Sisters Hope’s Performance Methods – Sensuous Learning” as a full time programme at Ryslinge Højskole, spring 2019! For the first time it is possible for everyone to receive training in our unique methodology, “The Sisters Performance Method – Sensuous Learning” which has so far mainly been available for those involved in Sisters Hope’s performances. We are looking forward to explore more…

Sisters Hope participating in Metropolis Residencies – Engaging The city

Sisters Hope has been invited to participate in “Metropolis Residencies”, a new programme created by Metropolis – Københavns Internationale Teater. We will present our work  and our methods with visiting artists chosen by Metropolis, specifically in the context of creating artistic work in the public space connected to the social reality of the city. We are hopeful and excited for this collaboration to unfold!