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The Boarding School

Winner of the exhibition price Vision 2016 – Sisters Academy #6 – The Boarding School at Den Frie Centre of Contemporary Art, Copenhagen

Vinder af Udstillingsprisen Vision 2017 Sisters Academy – The Boarding School will manifest at Den Frie Udstillingsbygning in the fall of 2017 as winners of the exhibition price Vision by Bikubenfonden. Sisters Hope will manifest the large-scale deeply immersive and interactive performanceinstallation Sisters Academy – The Boarding School at Den Frie Udstillingsbygning in the Fall of 2017. Everyone interested in poetic and sensuous education of the future and the exploration…

Sisters Academy #3 – Sweden

2015 – 2016   The Swedish manifestation of Sisters Academy is co-produced with the cultural Malmö-based venue Inkonst and carries the project-titel Sisters Academy Malmö. Sisters Academy Malmö falls in two parts. Part I –The Boarding School September 2015, where Inkonst was completely transformed into a sensuous boarding school. See photos and film and read more about this manifestation here. Part II –The Takeover February-March 2016 will manifest at Nova Academy  as…