(I want to grow in you and you in me) "She lives in the deep oak forest, in the holy moon cave; from here she protects and heals all life. Diana, the wild primordial woman, soul of the forest, she is the hunter. She is the darkness. She is the savage. She is the deep moon seat of the Earth. She is queen of the witches." . I bathed and cleansed myself To present myself to you Moon New Delicate gleam of creation Drew blood from my life-giving inner Let it drip and flow And offered it to you In turn I was offered Gratitude Bliss Reverence Towards the elements And heavenly bodies But most importantly; humility (towards you, Moon) I now keep my sacrificial gift in the window For it to grow by the Moon Alongside my humility And the seeds of lucidity, strength and courage I found and sowed Moon New Growing light Goddess of Moon Queen of the sky Earth's lucid eye Let me be your daughter The young girl Let me flow in your life-giving glow And let me then grow into womanhood and savagery