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Our artistic director Gry Worre Hallberg has submitted her PhD dissertation

Our artistic director, Gry Worre Hallberg, has just submitted her PhD dissertation: Sensuous Society – Carving the path towards a sustainable future through aesthetic inhabitation stimulating ecologic connectedness. In the PhD it is argued that, in order to move towards a more sustainable future, we must stimulate a deep understanding and sense of the connectedness of everything, which can happen precisely when we are not just visiting, or temporarily participating in, but instead more permanently, inhabit the sensuous and poetic modes of being.

It will be possible to experience the public defence via live streaming. This will happen the 16th of April at 13.00 and you can find more information here.

A copy of the dissertation kan be ordered through University of Copenhagen Campus Print. A digital version of the dissertation can be downloaded for free prior to the defence here.