The Curious
Earth. Everything at once. A whole world, a whole life, an entire time, unfolding in this now.
Everything was, and still is in that space.
I am The Curious
The Curious is also NoOne
NoOne here, NoOne in this time, NoOne in this space.
NoOne looking at reclining bodies, heavy with the scent of their own deep wisdom and secret.
I have a vision of heavy extremity
A picture of a vision
What does a vision look like
What is your vision
What are your dreams
Where would you not like to go in your own mind and body
Why do we avoid ourselves like frightened wild animals avoiding human contact
We could open up ourselves and say:
“Welcome, all things
I invite you all to be a part of my beautiful being
I will nuture you
I will shower you with love
and I will say
You are cherished here with me!”
Fire. Everything at once. Everything perishes. A whole world, an entire time, in this now.
Performed by Johannes Linneballe
Sisters Academy Staff by Sisters Hope
photo: I diana lindhardt
Photographs are free to use with the credits as formulated above displayed visibly.