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Author: Sister

Mind the Gap

Later this month, we will unfold our perspective on the relationship between the poetic and the ecological mind. Between the sensuous and the sustainable. We will not only envision this but explore it through our methods. We will explore with renowned scientists, politicians and makers from different fields. This will go down at BLOX at the symposium Mind the Gap. We are thankful to Den Tredje Natur for this fine…

Sisters Hope presenting for the Danish Parliament’s Cultural Affairs Committee

Last month we had an audience with the Cultural Affairs Committee of the Danish Parliament. We presented our work and a proposal to implement a new fund for projects and initiatives in the intersection of art, education and research.

Sisters in China

Earlier this year, we travelled to Beijing, China to present our work and introduce our sensuous learning methods through a workshop as a part of the ASSITEJ Artistic Gathering which explored the theme of ‘Towards the Unknown: Imagining the Future’. Seeds were planted, and we are excited and hopeful about our future fairs and activities in the East.

Introductory workshops to Sisters Hope’s programme at Ryslinge Højskole

We will facilitate two workshops as an introduction to our programme at Ryslinge Højskole in the spring of 2019. They will take place respectively on the 20th of October at Ryslinge Højskole and on November 2nd at Udviklingsplatformen for scenekunst in Copenhagen. See details for the workshop at Ryslinge Højskole here and see details for the workshop at Udviklingsplatformen here.      

Sisters Hope workshopping at VKR again

Sisters Hope will workshop at VKR (Vardes kulturelle rygsæk) again in the spring of 2019. VKR is an initiative for children and adolescence between the age of 5 and 16, and the intention is to introduce them to different artistic and cultural genres.