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Memory #04: Installing the Anarchive

We are hopeful and excited to have planted seeds for a future collaboration with a collective team and initiative Den Skabende By 2640 in Charlottekvartetet. In continuation of this, were invited to be in dialouge with Felix Becker, The Weaver, from our Sensuous Society manifesto on the opening of Memory #04: Installing the Anarchive.

‘Enter the Sensuous City’ by Max Liljefors

Max Liljefors Enter the Sensuous City Humans are tuned for relationship. The eyes, the skin, the tongue, ears, and nostrils—all are gates where our body receives the nourishment of otherness. David Abram The Copenhagen-based performance group Sisters Hope fathoms the depth and breadth of the sensuous in their twenty-four-hour art performance Sensuous City, performed in July 2019 across various parts of Copenhagen. It is a highly immersive work. Participants –…

Sisters Hope presenting at Waves Festival

This summer, Sisters Hope will take part in Waves Xtra – A part of Waves Festival and format that explores the work of artists.

Conversations on SMK’s ‘Dansk Guldalder – Verdenskunst mellem to katastrofer’

In the fall, Sisters Hope has been invited as one of 12 practitioners and researchers from different fields to share perspectives on society today inspired by The Golden Age. For this occasion, we will share our thoughts on, and experience with, education for the future and Sensuous Society.

Sisters Hope at Lund University

In the fall, Sisters Hope will contribute to the symposium ‘Experience as a Source of Knowledge in Aesthetic Research’ at Lund University, which will be followed up by a workshop.