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Search Results for: 군포출장색시미녀언니【카톡: Po 3 4】『Poo3 4.c0M』출장샵예약포항출장마사지Y卐♡2019-02-19-11-15군포┻AIJ☠출장만족보장콜걸추천출장색시미녀언니↪콜걸출장안마⇦출장시♝군포

Winner of the exhibition price Vision 2016 – Sisters Academy #6 – The Boarding School at Den Frie Centre of Contemporary Art, Copenhagen

Vinder af Udstillingsprisen Vision 2017 Sisters Academy – The Boarding School will manifest at Den Frie Udstillingsbygning in the fall of 2017 as winners of the exhibition price Vision by Bikubenfonden. Sisters Hope will manifest the large-scale deeply immersive and interactive performanceinstallation Sisters Academy – The Boarding School at Den Frie Udstillingsbygning in the Fall of 2017. Everyone interested in poetic and sensuous education of the future and the exploration…

Rapolitics seminar on art and activism

Sisters Hope presented and did the Poetic Self exercise at a Rapolitics seminar on art and activism. Rapolitics is a non-profit organ­i­sa­tion who pro­mote youth empow­erment through a cre­ative and con­struc­tive focus on urban artis­tic expres­sions, rap­tivism, dialogue & demo­c­ra­tic awareness-raising. Their vision is to empower youth to express them­selves & take action. Read more here

her porcelain spirit

her spirit is worked in to the clay that will help the body to be grounded and stay stabil on the earth….the clay can calm the nervsystem and help the mind to set down and accept the situation as it is. what happens when you start a repetetiv work with the porcelain that can bring your body in to a state of harmony? will we become part of the cirkel…

The Poet Builder

I have many names, numberless forms, endless shapes. Make no mistake, I only achieve simplicity with enormous effort. As long as I have questions and no answers I’ll keep on writing. I shall argue that we must use generative processes. These are to become conventional metaphors, but at this stage they reflect a world-view which makes no clear distinction between the human body and the world it inhabits; and the…

The Visiting Handicraft 19/9 – 23/9