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Teaching in a sensuous society – Questions

Sensuousness in the centre Speach bubbles demand answers to different levels of commitment from the students: leading the way, you ask: “Coming or going, sir?” choosing an experience, you ask: “Committing or quitting, young master?” questioning or finding doubt, you ask: “Staying or swaying, madam?” receiving or finding trust, you ask: “Opening or closing, miss?” The structure asks you: What do you see? Encourages you to: Write concrete ideas: Now,…

Exploring emotional moments

What are the boundaries for exploring emotional effects in the class room? Students had been given a simple task for homework: 1. Have someone whisper in your ear – a poem, song lyric, any other text committed to heart. 2. Note down the sensation – not your feelings, musings, or a new poem – stay in the sensuous experience of the whispering. In class, they were asked to share their…

Notebook pages

Day 3 – The Brewery

The Repeater and the Black Bird (both teachers) conducted a day-long session at The Brewery. In the courtyard we set up cooking plates and brewed a portion of beer (named Mead by us). Beforehand, we asked the School Nurse (the Medicin Woman) to conduct an initiation ritual to open our minds and hearts for the process of brewing and teaching. Our focus was on the knowledge and poetry which can be…

Day 2

I met my students as a teacher at the academy for the first time today. I introduced me as my poetic self and tried to stay true to the communicative characteristics related to this. Not too much instruction, focusing instead on relating what was interesting seen from my point of view. This led to a class exercise, inviting students to try my method – listening, repeating, passing on fragments of…