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Teaching in a sensuous society – Questions

Sensuousness in the centre Speach bubbles demand answers to different levels of commitment from the students: leading the way, you ask: “Coming or going, sir?” choosing an experience, you ask: “Committing or quitting, young master?” questioning or finding doubt, you ask: “Staying or swaying, madam?” receiving or finding trust, you ask: “Opening or closing, miss?” The structure asks you: What do you see? Encourages you to: Write concrete ideas: Now,…

Relation between performance art and teaching – a rough draft

Central to this page is a conventional understanding of Performance versus Teaching Each mode of interaction has a set of inferred qualities. Here, the claim is that Performance (as in performance art) poses questions, while teaching delivers answers. Teaching presupposes knowledge, which can be correct (or incorrect), it has a number of sources (books, images, films, etc.) and is generally understood to need acquiering. At the same time, Teaching includes methods, which can…

Politiken following Sisters Academy

Skole går med i esktremt eskperiment :- Dystre søstre skubber lærere og elever ud over grænsen :- Lærerhjerte danser af glæde over eksperiment i Odense :- Elever skriver takkebreve til skole-performere  

Just words

The world of sisteres academy. In two weeks i have been sensing tasting and talking a driftnet language. it have been a derney worth to try a derney where you have trust your self and to bee brave, becurese you have to be open, and you have to say yes to a lot of streans thinks, and that can be scary for a lot of peapole, I have been lucky…

My experience with Sisters Academy, Mads Baltzer Stanley

My experience with Sisters Academy The first day of Sisters Academy met me with great surprise. The very first thing that I did after stepping into the universe, was to communicate with a man named The Silence. We sat with him for a very long time chatting, and the funny thing about it was; we didn’t say a word! After this I was hungry after more. I found it extremely…