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Mystery of Being with Jakob la Cour

© Still from video by Salig ( Courtesy of Studio la Cour ( I’m an artist in residency and my practice is for mystical explorers seeking a deeper experience of life. Close your eyes. Feel the wind. Open your mouth. Taste the air. Let a light shine bright from your chest – feel your mystical being. Do not turn your eyes away from the mystical. Expand past consensual limitations of…

Relation between performance art and teaching – a rough draft

Central to this page is a conventional understanding of Performance versus Teaching Each mode of interaction has a set of inferred qualities. Here, the claim is that Performance (as in performance art) poses questions, while teaching delivers answers. Teaching presupposes knowledge, which can be correct (or incorrect), it has a number of sources (books, images, films, etc.) and is generally understood to need acquiering. At the same time, Teaching includes methods, which can…

My experiences with Sisters Academy

When I think back at my time at Sisters Academy, 3 things comes to my mind. The first thing is about learning. The Sisters Academy was an educational experiment, to see if students could learn more in another environment. I think my conclusion must be, that people are learning in a lot of different ways. Some learned more than the usually do, but others didn’t learn anything at all. I…

Provoke the teachers!

Written 5 or 6 March. (I hope you understand my writing errors)   — We need to change the way our kids learn! A full day school would help, our kids´ can´t compet whit the world!   First of all, why? Why is it so, so important to compete? I know this is my own agenda and I will try to leave that out to give room for The Real…

Authority through ambiguity?

After I have invited the performers into my classroom I have both noticed and will now reflect upon the notion of authority created through performance with the students’ reaction central to my observations. I have realised that by turning my teaching into a performance, or by simply amplifying certain aspects of my personality (that is – according to the Sisters themselves what performance art actually is) then I can enhance…