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Staffs Blog

Memories from Takeover at Fremtidslinjen

The following memories were shared during the internal evaluation-meeting (18th of April) among Sisters staff. Memory_Woman Memory_Shapeshifter Memory_Sister Memory_Link Memory_Untamed // Flow  

bodies in DEN FRIE turning daylight into dusk

new faces like an old book. bodies in space. senseous as a feeling. feelings to explore. diving into. embarressment. humiliation. dominance. faceless. not fearless. fear as an emotion – to explore. allowance. importance. building as the only solid. wooden floors with heat. new place to inhabit. to feel at home in. to feel safe in. to feel space in.  to fill space in/with/in/with/in/with     /Salomé – the Shapeshifter  

Staff Evaluation #5: Talking poetry

The following text was written during evaluation meeting among Sisters Staff the 18th of April 2017. Two persons were discussing The Takeover at Fremtidslinjen in Køge while a third person wrote the text. This was done in union different constellations.   Det var dejligt at være tilbage. Alt skete meget, meget langsommere… tid blev noget nyt. Det gør jeg altid, når vi går ind i det der rum Om mandagen der tror jeg…

Transparent Hearts – Futures – The Woman

When moving into Fremtids Linjen – The Woman manifested and investigated the power of Romance. What is romantic ? The faith in beauty and immediacy – connection. Immediate devotion to life, waking up to glory. The room with a view, connecting with people, grass and the magicians table. Letting people into the apparent, playing with life as it occur. Having no secret agenda , other than healing the gap between…

Stepping deeper into the mystery_UNTAMED

I have been looking at this young man for a long time. In my opinion he has been longing/searching to take a step deeper into the mystery – but he don’t know how. I could tell in the morning gathering he is enjoying it. He wants it. He wants to emerge. His name is unknown – he haven’t found his poetic name yet – it will come – for now…