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Students Blog

My essay about Sisters Academy

When you are isolated in a universe, totally opposite to your everyday life, with all your schoolmates, all your teachers, all in same level, prepared to get inspired, challenged, something happens, something moves. If it is not your learning, it is your ability to learn. If not your excitement about Sisters Academy’s universe, then your excitement towards your daily school’s universe.  But definitely you will move. It is difficult to…


Essay about sisters by AS

My experiences with Sisters Academy

When I think back at my time at Sisters Academy, 3 things comes to my mind. The first thing is about learning. The Sisters Academy was an educational experiment, to see if students could learn more in another environment. I think my conclusion must be, that people are learning in a lot of different ways. Some learned more than the usually do, but others didn’t learn anything at all. I…

Three words

Three words – it is all it takes to describe what Sisters Academy was for me, what it did to me and why i find it very important! – Word 1. INTENSE Word 2. PROVOCATIVE Word 3. CALM Why these words? Keep Reading.   Intense I have in two weeks been inter-activated and learning in a different environment than usually, a very different environment. It was infected by the staff and…

Provoke the teachers!

Written 5 or 6 March. (I hope you understand my writing errors)   — We need to change the way our kids learn! A full day school would help, our kids´ can´t compet whit the world!   First of all, why? Why is it so, so important to compete? I know this is my own agenda and I will try to leave that out to give room for The Real…