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Author: Student, Sisters Academy #01 at HF & VUC FYN, FLOW, Odense, Denmark

My experiences with Sisters Academy

When I think back at my time at Sisters Academy, 3 things comes to my mind. The first thing is about learning. The Sisters Academy was an educational experiment, to see if students could learn more in another environment. I think my conclusion must be, that people are learning in a lot of different ways. Some learned more than the usually do, but others didn’t learn anything at all. I…

Three words

Three words – it is all it takes to describe what Sisters Academy was for me, what it did to me and why i find it very important! – Word 1. INTENSE Word 2. PROVOCATIVE Word 3. CALM Why these words? Keep Reading.   Intense I have in two weeks been inter-activated and learning in a different environment than usually, a very different environment. It was infected by the staff and…

Provoke the teachers!

Written 5 or 6 March. (I hope you understand my writing errors)   — We need to change the way our kids learn! A full day school would help, our kids´ can´t compet whit the world!   First of all, why? Why is it so, so important to compete? I know this is my own agenda and I will try to leave that out to give room for The Real…

My speech in Rhetorics about Sisters Academy

I chose my speech not to be very long because its more like a rhetorical conclusion and it doesn’t have to be long when its only supposed to make you question these two weeks: “In this universe you get so many impressions. So many things that makes you wonder. It can be good or it can be bad. But the question is; what can you bring with you? Which learning…

Dinner for the Performers

Today my class and I where going to make a Dinner for the performers at Sisters. Well, we were all by our selves (Our teacher had a sick child) and we should plan WHAT the performers were going to eat, and HOW we should serve and present it. Last time we made a dinner for the performers, it was a bit kaotic. We made a Food City, it was fun,…