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Staffs Blog

Time holes

      I am watching you still after you’ve emptied the Sun. Let’s begin from where we left us.   One circle on your own before you receive your blessing.  Underlayer is red.  So is Sun.  and Fire Bird.     touch or pain or both   -¤¤¤-     Moonchild sensuality and rage are part of the same Moon. walking backwards, always one step ahead. “clean your hands,…

extraterrestrial dust

Cosmic dust Cosmic darkness Cosmic tears Cosmic fears Stardust spacecraft gravity gravy for lunch Hugs WeWhoAskMountains

Still moving The Dramaturg

Can I describe only the first moment we see each other for the first time?  Will everything after just appear by itself when the moment has past? How you will see me in that moment. One thing I know is that I’ll be in a frame. I’ll try to be still, so that you can imprint the image. Give you time to initiate your own resonation. Reason with me as…

Her Porcelain Spirit – Sister of Silk

Thanks for breathing together Thanks for be slow Thanks for caring Thanks for eye contact Thanks for healing Thanks for tutch Thanks for sielence Thanks for showing your inner soul Thanks for bathtab Thanks for sharing Thanks for your stoires Thanks for the sound Thanks for let me tutch you Thanks for open your heart Thanks for trust Thanks for showing emotions Thanks for food Thanks for your time Thanks…

Cairns, Balances and Micro mountains

Humans have always moved stones around. We throw them in the water. Hold them in our hands. Carry them with us. Arranges them to fences, fireplaces, cairns or other shapes, sculptures, landscapes and landart. Think about a stone you have met in your life. It can be any stone. One that you threw in the water /or/ one you kept in your pocket for a while. One you bought in…