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Staffs Blog

New Moon

As you move through these changing times… be easy on yourself and be easy on one another. You are at the beginning of something new. You are learning a new way of being. You will find that you are working less in the yang modes that you are used to. You will stop working so hard at getting from point A to point B the way you have in the…

To the partial outsider

The helping hand

Try to ask your hand how it feels holding something you know very well.  Is there anything particular that comes to your mind?  The door knob? Sliding your hand through the grass in summer?  Think about all the things you have held and let go of.  Think of the pain and pleasure your hands have inflicted.  Have you ever held a gun? Have you pulled the trigger? How did that…

another kind of horse

  Our story has already begun. You might know it, too. The most fascinating thought of all as I am sitting here writing to you is… actually you might know much more about US than I do   Fill my holes. Come!   Yes, I can see myself clearly… walking with my suitcase through the dark forest. The birds. Do you know how they sound at 2 a.m. ? at…

The hand

As I clean myself I try not to use the word wife I try not to use the word snipper. As I clean myself I try not to use the word hygge I try not to use the word insane. If I give you my hand it’s also my arm ect. Could I reach deep down inside myself pull out the glory?